Sunday, July 6, 2008

Clarity Once Again

...........was suposto be my title for this entry but owell, ill figure this thing out. Well, My brother Clint has inspired me to write on this thig again, I feel kind of vain writting about myself as if someone really cares about all the crap that spews out of my head....not that I think that of anyone else that does this sort of thing, just a demonstration of my low self esteme I guess. Sometimes I wonder if low self estemee really stems from a deep root of judgementality,,,but it could be just me overthinking everything as usual.
Well, I have 10 months without a drop of alchohol in my blood. I had to quit to save my life, a good hint to that was not only my childrens grades slipping but the dirt angels I was making in my driveway one night amoungst countless other not so apealing things I dont care to embarasss myself with here I am....a "dry Drunk" as they call me. IE: one who is not drinking but is not in the AA program. I do Have Jesus or a "higher Power" though, and He Helps me more than words can describe. No-one can really know what I mean unless they know him personally and that is for sure, God is a force to be experienced ... I still say "bad" words but I do not think that my language is hurting me in Gods sight any more that my pride ......amongst many other things I dont care to name them all......I dont have "religon" I have a path that God is taking me on . Well , I have much to write, but not tonight. Im tired, ill get into the swing of this blogging thing I supose. I think it may be a healthy action for my well-being.